Saturday, December 31, 2016

temporary happiness

In life, there is an abundance of happiness. Many people think that happiness occurs on special occasions, such as birthday parties or graduation. And sure, happiness does happen! But these events only bring "temporary happiness;" a slight glimpse of happiness that doesn't stay for long. In order for true, permanent happiness to arrive, one has to search for it. One can go through their entire lives feeding off of a temporary sense of happiness and believe that it's true happiness. And I suppose there is nothing wrong with that, but personally, I cannot live in that fashion. I cannot live my years in a way that doesn't give me long term happiness. After celebrations such as get-togethers or a day of shopping, I sometimes catch myself having this dull, empty feeling. Of course I'm happy. But I know that these are all distractions to what I really need in life. To find what makes every single day of my life worth living. Sure, there will still be days that other emotions are felt, such as sadness or anger, but instead of using a temporary form of distraction to push these emotions aside, I think that "permanent happiness" will be able to make one's mind clearer in dealing with these problems. It will hopefully make me more rational, such as using positive ways to cope with mine and other's issues and shed a sense of happiness on other people who are on this journey too. It's a hard thing to achieve, and there is no blame on anyone if they aren't able to find their niche, but then again, true and eternal happiness is a feeling that needs to be sought out. It's the same concept as many things in life; If you want something, go and get it. I really hope that one day, I will find whatever it is that makes me permanently happy.



  1. That appears to be excellent however i am still not too sure that I like it. At any rate will look far more into it and decide personally!
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